Singer had been attached to make First Class but ultimately had to give it over to Matthew Vaughn. So he could focus on his Warner Bros. production of Jack The Giant Killer. While it's still uncertain if First Class will be successful in the long run. It's doubtful Singer would make a sequel now that the prequel is very much a Matthew Vaughn thing.
Whatever fans think about Singer he is the reason we have the first two films. I believe that Bryan Singer is the only person that could fix all the problems X3 created. Even if X4 ends up the last film in the series a fourth film very well could be a way for both the director and Fox to make it up to the loyal fans. The only problem would be being able to wrangle Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin and Ellen Page back for the fourth film.
The other film could be New Mutants which Shuler Donner had confirmed to be in development along with X4 but hadn't been pitched to Fox. I'm sure if New Mutants had Singer attached it could go next. It would be an easy way to avoid the landmines left from X3.
Stephen Lang (Avatar, Conan) could take on the role of Cable who is the leader of the group and is one of the most popular characters in the X-Men universe. Lang caught wind of the fan casting and is up for it. I wouldn't doubt Fox would like to see the Avatar actor in a pivotal role in a new film.
The least likely of the bunch would be Deadpool but if you think about it could work. Singer would more than likely have to take on a film with an existing script and it's the only project in development that has a completed one. While having the likes of Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino direct are almost unlikely at this point.
Singer could bring something interesting to the Merc With A Mouth. Considering his experience in the world of thieves and mercenaries with The Usual Suspects. My only problem would be his ability to convey the humor that Deadpool spouts along with breaking the fourth wall. If they ever were going to make an X-Force film based on the more recent comics it would be another great project for him to direct.
Which Future X-Men Film Would You Like To See Singer Make? Should He Even Return To The Franchise He Helped Create? Leave Your Comments!
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