The film is based on the popular gritty British series of the same name. Originally Michael Fassbender and Jason Statham had been linked for the role opposite Ray Winstone. Later Benjamin Drew better known as musician Plan B was put in the part. While director Nick Love has had moderate success his films are mostly messy pieces of visual exercises. His films The Business, The Firm and Football Factory were all let downs. However, Love did show some promise with Outlaw which in my opinion is his best film. The only real guiding light behind this project is that it's script is from screenwriter John Hodge. Hodge is best known for his scripts for Danny Boyle films Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, The Beach, A Life Less Ordinary and the upcoming Trance.
My concern is that The Sweeney could end up a B-film on the level of the recent British crime thriller Blitz. Strong casting with Adian Gillen (The Wire, Game of Thrones), Paddy Considine (Dead Man's Shoes, Red Riding) and newcomer Luke Evans (The Hobbit) wasn't enough to save the Jason Statham pedestrian cop thriller. Hopefully a solid script and cast will be enough to give Love enough incentive to give his best effort.
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