Tom Cruise has been confirmed to return for Mission Impossible 4.

Stan Lee has sort of confirmed something most people have seen coming. He mentions Marvel is close to starting production on Ant-Man. Thanks to SlashFilm for listing Lee's tweets.
- To make up for my previous grievous error, here’s a little item that may have escaped you. Marvel is prepping a movie starring– Ant Man!
- I had lunch with the cool , young director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead) and, as you’d imagine, we had fun discussing the tiny hero
- Ant Man is just one of the many wild treats Marvel has planned for you, such as Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Black Panther and more, more, more!

Screenwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese talked to MTV about Zombieland 2.
“There absolutely will be a sequel, and it will absolutely be in 3-D”
“There will be continuing romantic adventures...We haven’t decided on this, but it would be nice to have a love interest for Tallahassee.”

Joesph Kosinski (Tron Legacy) talked to MTV about The Black Hole remake he's developing for Disney.
"For me, it would be taking ideas and iconic elements that struck me as timeless and cool and preserving them while weaving a new story around them that's a little more '2001,'"
"What sticks out most is the robot Maximilian...The blades and the vicious killing of Anthony Perkins. That freaked me out and that's definitely going to be an element that will be preserved. The design of the Cygnus ship is one of the most iconic spaceships ever put to film."
"From a conceptual point of view, we know so much more about black holes now, the crazy things that go on as you approach them due to the intense gravitational pull and the effects on time and space. All that could provide us with some really cool film if we embrace it in a hard science way."

Saw writer Patrick Melton talked to a UK radio station and LatinoReview was kind enough to transcribe it. He had some insight on the future of the franchise.
“I think it’s going to end with Saw VII. I have a very strong feeling its going to end with Saw VII. That’s something we’re debating now. You saw in previous interviews or discussions where we thought Saw VIII would be the last one where we had the first trilogy and the second trilogy and then sort of a grand finale wrapped up in two films. But frankly because Saw VI hasn’t performed as well as we anticipated, the idea is well why make two movies when we can make one really excellent movie that wraps up as best we can? And it’s going to be in 3-D which sort of adds to the spectacle. So if you had to ask me, I don’t own the franchise, nor do I run the studio, but I have a feeling, a strong feeling that it’s going to be Saw VII which will be also known as Endgame. And nothing’s official yet, but that’s where we’re hoping things will go. “
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