It looks like Paramount's distribution deal with Marvel Studios will soon end. I think most knew this was going to happen but not so early. IESB has the exclusive that has Disney wants to take over distribution on Iron Man 3. They report that Disney is trying to use their legal team to figure out what characters they can regain control of. While Sony and Fox can't be budged on their hold of Spider-Man, Venom, Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and the X-Men universe (Wolverine, Deadpool). So instead they're looking into other not so solid deals to re-work. I was expecting Disney to come on board when the next round of films were made but they're not wasting any time.
"How certain are we of this? Certain Disney publicists have already been telling members of the press that Iron Man 3 will definitely be distributed and branded with the Walt Disney logo. Ask the lawyers for details."

Paramount's distribution deal with Marvel seems to be the first to get the axe. Where it gets tricky is that Disney also wants to distribute Thor, Captain America and Avengers. While they don't mind Paramount's logo appearing and sharing distribution/promotion/marketing on both Thor/IM3. They don't want any involvement with Paramount on Captain America and Avengers. Originally Marvel Studios had signed contracts with Paramount to distribute their films but it doesn't look the deal will be up-held. The worst scenario Disney would have to payout $200-250 million contract to regain the distribution rights back from Paramount. Don't let this discourage you're hope for quality Marvel films. Disney is only worried about getting their brand on the films since they'll be handling the promotion and marketing of the films. Marvel Studios will still be the production company making the films. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney went after 20th Century Fox next.
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