20th Century Fox is desperate to find a director to helm their Planet of The Apes reboot/prequel titled Caesar. Fox originally offered the director's chair to Kathryn Bigelow (Hurt Locker), Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) and Tomas Alfredson (Let the Right One In). They all have turned down the project. So now they're offering deals to a second group of directors that includes the Hughes brothers (The Book of Eli), Pierre Morel (Taken), James McTeigue (Ninja Assassin), Dennis Iliadis (The Last House on the Left) and Scott Stewart (Legion). My hope is that they'd look to Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios to help with the production. I'd be fine with any of these choices expect Scott Stewart who did an awful job with Legion.

Chad Micheal Murray (One Tree Hill) is yet another actor rumored for the role of Steve Rodgers in Captain America. Director Joe Johnston recently told SciFiWire they would be casting the role within the next couple of weeks.
"We need to cast it soon....We have a very short list, but we're still juggling actors here. I'd say within the next couple of weeks we'll have ourselves a Captain America, I hope."

Back in December comic book writer/artist Rob Liefeld posted his choice for the role of Cable on Twitter. Liefeld has been working with 20th Century Fox on the development of Deadpool and a film based on his New Mutants/X-Force series, which involved his popular character Cable.
"Dear 20th Century Fox, Please sign Steven Lang as Cable and put him in your next X-men film. Thanks, Rob"
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