Ryan McPartlin (Chuck) was spotted at The Wolfman premiere which seems interesting. Considering he was the only rumored actors who auditioned for Captain America that showed up. Of course it's common in Hollywood for people to just show up to premieres. It might have more to do with Chuck being owned by Warner Bros. who made the film.

Jeffrey Wright (Casino Royale) has joined Duncan Jones' (Moon) Source Code.

Screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Zombieland, Deadpool) talked to MTV about writing G.I. Joe 2. They confirm that they'll be faithful to the first film and the film will be sequel not a reboot.
“We can say that we will be faithful to the first film,” Reese explained of their plans for the sequel. “We will not be ignoring events from the first in the second.”
“It will be a sequel....It will be a continuation of 'G.I. Joe' [as it was established last summer].”
“It’s hard to think of it being any bigger; that was a big movie...They blew up a lot of stuff. We hope for it to be as fun, that the characters really pop. We’ll be introducing some new characters.”

Steven Soderbergh's Contagion has been picked up by Warner Bros.

Sylvain White (The Losers) tells ComingSoon that he'll be taking his time developing Frank Miller's Ronin.
"It's a very complex graphic novel and it needs very careful attention," he continued, "Of course to make a movie of that scale, you need a lot of money to pay it justice, especially with the incredible visuals that Frank Miller has in it, but at the same time, in order to get a lot of money to make the movie, it has to have enough commercial appeal, so I'm trying to balance those two things together to make the movie accessible but still smart and throw with all the great ideas and grand ideas that it has. Conceptually, it's such an amazing property, so I think it's strong appeal in that sense, and even for people, I think visually in the trailer, people will be gravitating towards that kind of subject matter and that kind of character, it's amazing."
"I'm taking my time with it," he said. "If I'm able to stay on it and develop it the way I want, I just want it to be done right. I don't want to rush it or anything like that. I want the right writer on it and it to be done carefully. So that is one of the projects I have in development."

Leonardo DiCaprio's talked to MTV about the possibility of Akira and Twilight Zone going into production. DiCaprio's production company Appian Way is handling both films.
"You know, you never want to say anything is going to happen in this town, because everything gets thrown out the window one day and is green lit the next."
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