Deadline Hollywood is reporting a very interesting story that would have director Christopher Nolan acting as a mentor on the new Superman film. He'll act as "godfather" on the project using his expertise on rebooting Batman with the Man of Steel. It will be a reboot not having any connection with the Richard Donner films or Singer's Superman Returns. A very good move on the part of Warner Bros. I believe Nolan is the best person to go to for creative advice. Warner Bros. needs to have a new Superman film released before 2013 or the rights could be in question. The adjustment of the character could have him with less powers and fighting more aliens.

Previously it had been reported that writer Mark Millar and director Matthew Vaughn pitched to Warner Bros. a Godfather type Superman trilogy rebooting the franchise. I think with the help of Nolan it could be one of the best superhero concepts ever put on film. Let's hope DC Entrainment hires good script writers, solid director and cast.

While they don't mention Nolan's intentions to direct The Dark Knight sequel. Deadline again confirms their previous story of David S. Goyer and Jonah Nolan working on the film's script based on ideas from Christopher.
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