September 16, 2009

Ridley Scott's The Passage

Ridley Scott is a very very busy producer and director these days. He's just finished principle photography on Robin Hood and has multiple future projects in development. The projects include Alien 5, The Forever War, Monopoly and Brave New World. Now it's being reported that the director is in talks to helm The Passage. The film centers on a group of terminally ill patients who are cured after being bitten by South American bats. John Logan (Avaitor, Sweeny Todd) will develop a screenplay based on the novel by Justin Cronin. Logan previously worked with Ridley on Gladiator, so the re-teaming could make for an epic vampire film. While I understand this seems to be a recation to the feverish fandom of the Twilight series. Although vampire franchises such as Underworld and Blade have also done quite well, without pandering to tweens. My hope is that films such as Daybreakers will bring back the quality and lore back to the genre.

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