While an interesting prospect I'm sure since his current film Black Swan is getting massive praise and Oscar buzz he's getting lots of offers. Only a couple of weeks go he was connected with possible group of directors to take on Wolverine 2. Darren spoke to MTV during the Toronto International Film Festival giving his thoughts on comic book movies.
"Even though I've been attached to all these comic book [movies], I never really was a comic book kid growing up," he said. "I didn't really have comic books. I didn't really know who Wolverine was until I met Hugh Jackman and got to know it."
"Of course, I grew up with Batman and Superman and Spider-Man a little bit, but I'm not the biggest comic book fan, even though I've been attached to a lot of them," he added. "It would be fun to do one, [but] it's just finding the right situation, the right project."
I'm sort of torn with this news since I had been hoping for Darren to make Wolverine 2 the quality film it should be. Yet I could see him tackling the Superman franchise which has always lacked pathos and real emotion. Elements that his previous films have been brimming with. Darren was attached to direct Batman Begins before Nolan came on board.
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