Guillermo del Toro announced back in July his next film would be an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness. The film is being produced by James Cameron which will be shot in 3D May 2011. The story is written in first-person perspective by the geologist William Dyer, a professor from Miskatonic University. He writes to disclose hitherto unknown and closely kept secrets in the hope that he can deter a planned and much publicized scientific expedition to Antarctica. On a previous expedition there, a party of scholars from Miskatonic University, led by Dyer, discovered fantastic and horrific ruins and a dangerous secret beyond a range of mountains taller than the Himalayas.

Wired recently spoke to producer James Cameron about the project and he compares the film to his own Aliens. "In this particular case, I’m working with Guillermo because I enjoy his company, and a creative collaboration is something that we’ve talked about doing for a long time," Cameron tells Wired. "It’s going to be an epically scaled horror film and we haven’t seen anything like that in a really long time — I guess since ALIENS."

Collider has learned that Universal wants to hire James McAvoy for the lead while Guillermo wants Tom Cruise.
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