HeroComplex was able to sit down with Ryan Reynolds about his other comic book franchise in-the-making Deadpool. Previously it had been rumored Reynolds could leave the project to focus on other films and possibly be forced out by two Green Lantern sequels. The way Ryan talks about the character it's clear he's very committed to Deadpool and making sure it's faithful.
“It goes in such a different direction than a superhero movie usually goes. It’s a nasty piece of work. It’s just based in so much emotional filth, completely. It’s like ‘Barfly‘ if it were a superhero movie. It sort of treads into the world of an emotionally damaged person. I always say that Deadpool is a guy in a highly militarized shame spiral…. It’s so different than the superhero movies to date, it departs so far from that.”
“With Deadpool, it’s a lot like going to prison for the first day,” Reynolds said. “You got to walk up and hit the biggest guy you see to establish a bit of cred. With Deadpool, early on you have to establish that moral flexibility. There’s a gamble to it — you’re going to lose a few people right at the beginning but you take the gamble and know that eventually you’re going to win them back. You won’t lose the hard-core fans of the character, they already know who he is. We have to play to a broader audience than that. As an actor you have to be willing to do something like … back in Vancouver we used to call it a [nasty] burger. ’You gotta eat the [nasty] burger to get to the cookies.’ And yes, I want to write a cookbook about that…”
“The comics are very inconsistent in the writing,” Reynolds said. “All the different writers, different voices, but at the core of the character his heart is really interesting. He’s the funniest guy you’ll ever meet, too, and for me that’s exciting but it’s not as hard as capturing that moral flexibility, which is so important. He hasn’t really experienced the full spectrum of human emotion the way most people do.”

While there has been an offer sent out to Robert Rodriguez to direct. His busy schedule of Spy Kids 4 and possibly Sin City 2 afterwords it seems unlikely he'll be able to commit. So who should 20th Century Fox at look next? My vote has to go to James Gunn who is gathering some positive buzz for his superhero comedy Super. The film is being talked up as the next Kick-Ass which speaks highly for the film. Gunn previously landed on people's radar for his horror comedy Slither. I believe Gunn's sense of humor could fit perfectly into the world of the Merc With A Mouth.
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