Director of Paranormal Activity next film is up for grabs. The film's budget is greatly increased compared to his last film, Paranormal's $10-15,000 to 51's 10 million. Many studios are hoping to get distribution rights on the found footage/science fiction film. With the popularity of Cloverfield, Paranormal and the REC movies I expect a large influx of found footage films.

Movement on World War Z has slowed down to the point it was rumored Marc Forster (Quantum of Solace) had left the project. Now he's confirmed he's still attached.

Speaking of stalled projects the long waited live-action Jetsons film is getting an update of sorts. Robert Rodriguez has been rumored to have left the film. I assume to focus on Spy Kids 4, Nerveracker and Sin City 2. Peter Segal (Get Smart) is rumored to be replacing Rodriguez. I think Segal is big step down from Robert but that's the studio's problem. Rodriguez was trying to get Jim Carrey to play George Jetson.

The Terminator film and television rights are up for auction. The Halcyon Company is selling the rights to make new Terminator films and shows. Sony Pictures along with other major studios are interested. Even newer studios like Summit Entertainment and Media Rights Capital are bidding. It should be interesting how soon they announce plans for Terminator 5.

Robert Zemeckis (Forest Gump, Back To The Future) has revealed that the original writers from Who Framed Roger Rabbit are back to write the sequel. I really hope it's not another horrible motion capture film and brings back cell animation.

Universal Pictures have hired Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis to write their Ouija board film. The writing pair recently wrote for Disney's Tron Legacy. It's expected to be a Pirates of The Caribbean sized action adventure film.

Naomi Harris (Miami Vice, Pirates 2-3, 28 Days Later) said she'd be up for returning for Ninja Assassin 2.
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