Producer Lauren Shuler Donner has confirmed plans for making the fourth X-Men film. While the newer cast members have been signed the older cast has not. I would have expected this would have been a priority for Fox after Wolverine 2 and Deadpool. Yet it seems First Class will be made before the fourth film.

Bryan Singer has stated he'd love to return to the X-Men franchise. He's hinted at directing Wolverine 2, X-Men: First Class and X-Men 4. Personally I think First Class would be a wasted project for him. Fans feel Singer needs to make up for leaving the third film to Brett Ratner. Let's hope they get a solid script and are able to talk Singer into returning. Zack Synder was originally attached to Wolverine but had to leave to direct Watchmen instead. It would be interesting to see Synder take on the franchise.

Wolverine is the major factor in the X-Men franchise so he has to be returning. I'd love to see Hank McCoy (Beast) and Nightcrawler make a return as well. I'm not so sure if Fox will be able to get cast members like Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat) and Anna Paquin (Rogue). Since they've become more popular and might be asking for more money. I think that Fox would also like to introduce new characters as they do with each installment. Some interesting additions would be Cable, Bishop and Scarlet Witch. Also Jubilee who has had cameos could take a bigger role in the next film.

One complaint from fans is the fact we haven't seen the infamous love connection between Rogue and Gambit. Now that Gambit has been established in the series it could finally happen. It would also be interesting to see Rogue develop the powers she has in the comics. Her ability to fly and super-strength hasn't been used yet, perhaps that can be developed in the next film.

The covert government operation which was started by Col. William Striker to have mutants registered could lead to someone taking up his work. Developing it into the Sentinel program and creating Master Mold. A super intelligent cyborg who builds an army of robots programed to hunt down and capture dangerous mutants. Bolivar Trask the inventor of the Sentinels appeared in X3 and was played by Bill Duke (Predator). If he has already been inserted as being an established character it could make sense that they would bring him back.
A Sentinel was teased in X3 during the training program in the danger room. If one was tough to take down one, imagine a whole army of them.

While the Sentinels should be the main villains in the film. It wouldn't hurt to throw Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister into the mix. I do imagine they'd want Magneto to return but he might not return since Sir Ian McKellan will be busy with the two Hobbit films.

Stephen Lang (Public Enemies, Avatar) as Cable

Terry Crews (Idiocracy, Expendables) as Lucas Bishop

Jamie Chung (Sucker Punch) as Jubilee

Anna Friel (Pushing Up Daises, Land of The Lost) as Scarlet Witch

James Nesbitt (Bloody Sunday, Jekyll) as Mr. Sinister

Tomer Sisley (Largo Winch) as Apocalypse
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