Peter Jackson is a very busy person he just finalized post-production on Lovely Bones, which releases in December. Here is a rundown of a few projects that Jackson is in involved with.

THE DAM BUSTERS: A remake of the 1955 British film of the same name, is more than likely his next film. Jackson has already built the planes for the film and it looks like it could start filming as soon as next year. The film focuses on a group of British pilots that have the task of blowing up German dams during WWII.

British comedian Stephen Fry (Black Adder, Alice In Wonderland) apparently has written the newest screenplay for the film. I expect he'll end up getting a role in the film as well.


TINTIN 2 & 3: Collaborating with Steven Spielberg on a trilogy of motion capture films based on the beloved Hergé books. The original agreement would be that Spielberg would direct the first one and Jackson would do the second. Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish are assumed to have or will write the scripts for the next two films.

The second film is rumored to be based on the books "The Seven Crystal Balls" and "The Prisoners of The Sun".

The third film could be based on "The Blue Lotus" and "Tintin In Tibet".

TEMERAIRE: Based on the novels by Naomi Novik. A novel about dragons being used in combat in the Napoleonic Wars and the story of a dragon named Temeraire and his captain, Will Laurence. It's really unknown if Peter Jackson will actually direct the film. There is also talk that it could end up a mini-series instead.

THE HOBBIT: Being turned into two films rather than one. Jackson took on the task of co-writing the script and producing both films. Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy) will take over directing duties for the two part epic. It's going to be one of the most anticipated projects that Jackson is involved with.

HALO: Originally setup as a directorial debut for Neill Blomkamp (District 9), the 128 million dollar adaption of the video game fell into limbo. Later on Steven Spielberg would try his hand as producer, without an announced director. The project seems to be in a holding pattern until everyone involved is happy. I would assume if Jackson wasn't as busy with his three upcoming films, he'd jump on board to direct. I think if this is still not made after he's finished those projects that could happen. Although I expect Spielberg to actually eye this for himself.

DISTRICT 10: The sequel to the sleeper summer hit is more than likely being worked on this moment. An original concept from South African writer/director Niell Blomkamp, it's modest budget and huge box office numbers is enough to earn a sequel. Not to mention how well received it was by critics and audiences. Considering the summer was full of disappointing blockbusters. The film could focus on a prawn invasion or liberation.
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