Recently I wrote about Tarantino's plans for another Kill Bill film. Well the assumption was that Kill Bill 3 would be his next film and Tarantino has spoken out about this. It does seem we really won't be seeing the third installment until 2013, ten years from the original. Variety got some quotes from the man himself talking about playing with a few genres before taking on sequels. He mentions a western and a 20-30s era gangster flick, as possible projects. It's not the first time we've heard Quentin talk about doing a western but the depression era gangster flick is a new development.

Tarantino has been hinting at his love for Spagehtti Westerns with both Kill Bill and Inglourious Basterds. Even to the point doing a cameo in the Japanese western Sukiyaki Western Django. Tarantino's love even extends to using a bunch of Ennio Morricone music in his films which are taken from mostly Sergio Leone westerns. Some of them are more than likely influencing this project such as Once Upon At Time In The West, The Good The Bad The Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars. 310 To Yuma and The Proposition are just a few examples of recent westerns that were excellently executed.

I could site Brian Del Palma's The Untouchables and Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In America, becoming large influences on this film. It doesn't hurt that recent gangster flicks Road To Perdition and Public Enemies made big slashes at the box office. I don't think it would be much of a gamble for The Weinstein Company or Tarantino. Tarantino named "Pretty Boy Floyd" in his description of his gangster flick. I'm not sure if he'd focus on the legendary bank robber but it's a great tease.
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