Bruce Willis hopes that production on Die Hard 5 will happen "sooner rather than later". He pointed out his age is a factor that the studio should work quickly on putting it together. I loved the last installment and director Len Wiseman was a big reason why it worked. Hopefully Wiseman would helm the 5th film between Gears of War and Atlantis Rising.

Writer/director Gary Ross (Pleasantville) will do re-writes on the Venom script. He is also in talks to helm the project. Zombieland writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese previously wrote two drafts .Ross is finishing up a script for Spider-Man 4.

Speaking of Len Wiseman, he has officially left Motorcade. Ryan Reynolds will play the lead, which was a rumored role for Tom Cruise. 24 director Jon Cassar will take over for Wiseman.Reynolds is really trying to make name for himself in the action genre, with upcoming roles as Deadpool and Green Lantern.

Marlon Wayans (Requiem For A Dream) will replace Eddie Murphy in the biopic of the legendary comedian Richard Pryor. Wayans had one of the strongest performances in Requiem For A Dream and I'm suprised he hasn't continued dramatic roles.

Jamie Foxx will play Mike Tyson in another biopic. Foxx won his Oscar for his performance in Ray. Although that might have been more for his musical abilites rather his acting. It's still intesting that they are making a Tyson film.

Rebecca Romjin was asked if she'd get her own X-Men Origins film. She liked the idea but would need time to get back in shape after giving birth to twins. I sort of like the idea of a Mystique origins film. It could show us the relationship between her and Victor Creed during their time in the Muraders. The film could also reveal her as the mother of Nightcrawler.

Rec 2 hasn't even hit North American theaters and the third film is already in development. A teaser website for Rec 3 has shown up on horror film blogs. The Spanish horror films have brought back indie shaky cam horror. Similar to The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity.
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