Dylan Baker has confirmed he'll reprise his role as Dr. Curt Connors in Spider-Man 4. It's unknown at this point but assumed that he'll be the film's main villain The Lizard.

Olivia Wilde (Tron Legacy) talked to MTV about her love for Wonder Woman. Even to the point of dressing up like the DC character and knocking on Linda Carter's door. The actress who played her on television lived in her neighbourhood. She also talked about her love for the character. "I think that's the kind of role I'd love to play in those movies. I think any sort of awesome, kick-ass, powerful woman is great for little girls." Wilde would make an excellent candidate for Wonder Woman, considering DC Entertainment is moving forward on it's development.

During his interview with MTV director Sam Raimi was asked about the Venom film. He was asked about the continuity between the new Venom movie and his Spider-Man films. "I think that the studio is just letting me work with the writers and trying to make the best stories possible for this universe, I don't know if Venom is a separate universe or not." The new Venom film could portray him as a hero rather than villain, a protector of the innocent. Although, that won't hinder his violent and out of control tendencies.

Paramount Pictures will handle production on the new live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, estimated for a 2012 release date. I doubt that the concept of basing the film on the original comics is going to happen. Let's just hope they stick to the idea that the turtles will be back in costumes, rather than having them full computer generated characters.

Comic writer Brian Bendis says that there is still hopes that the Torso film will still happen. It was officially going to happen with director David Fincher with actors Matt Damon, Rachel McAdams and Casey Affleck attached to star. It was setup at Paramount until the studio allowed the rights to revert back to Bendis and others. I assume that they're just looking for a new studio.

It looks like William Shatner could appear in Star Trek 2. The first film made it possible to ignore previous canon for sequels. We could see Shatner's Kirk in the film since he may not have died in their new universe. J.J. Abrams and Shatner are meeting to talk about it.

Willem Dafoe has talked about playing the 9-foot tall Tars Tarkas in John Carter of Mars. He mentions the role will be performance capture rather than just voice work. He also confirmed, yet again that the film will be a mix of live-action and CGI. It's been feared that the film will be entirely animated.

Thomas Jane (The Mist) will star in the live-action adaptation of Dark Horse's Criminal Macabre.
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