The Real RockNRolla is the sequel to "RockNRolla", Ritchie has implied it has already been written and it's ready to go as soon as his next project is over with. Also depending on the box office of the first movie it could have many more installments. Without giving too much away from the first film part two will include Johnny Quid, Archie and the Wild Bunch. This may not be as funny as Snatch and Lock Stock but these characters are just as lovable. It doesn't surprise me that Ritchie wants to make a trilogy, considering this is the genre he does so well. I feel making more of these movies will help Ritchie develop other projects like "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Dirty Dozen". Ritchie is now working with studios that may have been cautious of hiring him earlier because of "Swept Away" and "Revolver". You have to make the masses and studios happy if you want to keep making films in Hollywood.

UPDATE: It looks like Ritchie's next film will be Lobo and then possibly Sherlock Holmes 2. I assume if there isn't a script for Holmes 2 by the end of 2010 he could take on The Real RockNRolla, between the two giant films...
UPDATE #2: I've come up with a new article answering some of the questions you guys might have. Ritchie is up for lots of other films so it's not looking good. Click Here
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