Australian actress Teresa Palmer talked to
MovieWeb about reprising the role of Talia Al Ghul. Palmer had been cast as the daughter of Batman villain Ra's Al Ghul in George Miller's Justice League of America before it was shut down. Teresa gives the impression the character is indeed in
The Dark Knight Rises and has asked her agents to pursue the role. She's doubtful she'll end up with the role and even less likely with her talking about it. On the other hand Armie Hammer who was cast as Batman in the JLA film has been linked for Zack Snyder's Superman so anything is possible.
"I've definitely put the feelers out there with my agents and that would be something I would be really glad to have happen. I doubt I would be one of the actresses high up on Nolan's list. I think they are definitely going after woman with a much bigger profile than [mine]."
"I was going to do it with a Russian accent in Justice League of America and I was fitted for all the outfits. It is the longest shot in history for sure but I've put my name out there with my agents and things. So we'll see who ends up doing that role. My managers made the phone calls but I'm pretty sure that they will end up going with a big name girl."

Previously there had been rumors of Marion Cotillard,
Charlize Theron and Vera Farmiga testing for the film. Along with Deadline's list of actresses which included Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Blake Lively, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway and Keira Knightley.
If Talia's inclusion is indeed true along with the rumor of Hugo Strange this could be beyond exciting for Batman fans. Nolan is known for showcasing lesser known and grounded characters so having Talia instead of Selina Kyle could work for the better. Not to mention book ending the trilogy with consequences from the first film.

I don't like seeing villains re-used with The Dark Knight being the exception. Since Nolan improved on the Joker and finally gave us a decent Two Face while also expanding on the Mob in Gotham. Christopher has already ruled out The Riddler and Mr. Freeze so I assume only grounded characters will be used. That would mean The Penguin, Poison Ivy and possibly even Catwoman will not make the movie. There is talk of including other lesser known characters such as Harvey Bullock, Sarah Essen and Killer Croc. While it would seem too many roles for one film Nolan knows how to work with a large cast and gives actors just the right amount of screentime. Plus if this is really Nolan's last film he might as well include as many interesting supporting characters as possible if wants to one up The Dark Knight.

While Tom Hardy has been confirmed for an unnamed role. In the original leak of Tom testing Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon Levitt were also named. There very well could be more male roles to fill. While I can assume Harvey Bullock and Hugo Strange could be two of them I'm hopeful that Roman Sionis (Black Mask) could also play some role in the film.
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