We already know that Loki will be a villain in the film but is he the main one? While it's hard to say without a trailer but what is noticeable in the ET clip is that Thor is fighting humans. It's interesting that the only footage we have of Thor fighting is against armed humans. So who are these people in the clip?

Is he fighting U.S./SHIELD forces or is this HYDRA? There had been rumors of HYDRA and possibly Baron von Strucker being present (or pulling strings) in the film. Which could mean they're setting up SHIELD's villain for the spin-off. It's interesting that the armed soldiers in the clip aren't sporting the SHIELD patches we've seen guards and agents wear in the comics. Yet there seems to be some sort of symbol on the guard's hat.

While Clark Gregg (agent Coulson) is in this and SHIELD will be present. It would make sense that the Asgardian technology would fuel some dilemma for SHIELD if HYDRA got a hold of it. The bonus scene of Iron Man 2 shows Coulson at the site where Thor's hammer is found. Could Coulson be working for HYDRA as a double agent? It's possible HYDRA has it's own people working within SHIELD and is gathering their own group of Meta Humans and advanced techonolgy.
*Would you like to see HYDRA introduced in Thor?
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