Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor (TBA)

Chuck Palahniuk’s second novel Survivor has long since been sitting in the halls of movie production limbo. Soon after Fight Club became a runaway cult hit, talk began of turning Survivor into a movie with such talent mentioned as Jerry Bruckheimer producing; starring names such as Jim Carrey, Kevin Spacey, and Madonna; even Trent Reznor of NIN tossed his hat into the circle and offered to score the entire film. The first tangible lead to take though was a screenplay by Jake Paltrow (Gwyneth’s little brother). With a draft that convinced the heads at 20th Century Fox, Paltrow set into motion to move the project forward. Things looked good and ready to take off. And then two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center.
In the wake of 9/11, something happened behind the scenes of the book industry and Hollywood, and suddenly anything with transgressive themes found a dusty shelf. Survivor, a book with the running storyline of a person hijacking and crashing a 747 into the Australian outback just didn’t sit right in this new, post-terrorist climate our society was living in. For years, Chuck would find himself answering a common question at almost every public reading he did: “What’s the status of the Survivor movie?”
Well, through many ups and downs.... names attached..... and options expired and renewed, it seems that director Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend) is back on board. In a recent interview, when asked about next projects, he was quoted as saying, "I’m working on the book Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk that I’m working on with a friend… It’s a great book. I love that book. So we’ve been working on that.".

While I'm unsure director Francis Lawrence can do this material justice. I did find the casting rumors very interesting even if the actors are never attached to the final movie. Jim Carrey and Kevin Spacey both would be great choices. Madonna on the other hand could work but only in a limited role.

Trent Reznor would be the best person to score Survivor. Considering his amazing four volume instrumental album "Ghosts". Which is an excellent example of his brilliant scoring abilities. I'm sure he would set the right tone of the film just as the Dust Brothers did for Fight Club.